Celebrating 10 Years of Raising the Profile of Interpreting
WHEN: Thursday, March 26, 8am-10am PDT / 11am-1pm EDT
Join us for this urgent, free online forum to jump start a proactive, global response to preserve access to interpreting services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Simultaneous interpreting will be provided.
Languages TBA
ALL are invited. ALL are welcome.

THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this event possible.
You can watch the recording of InterpretAmerica 2020 HERE.
Huge thanks to our meeting platform host for their generous donation and extensive support to make this event happen!
KUDO, headquartered in New York City, is a Language-as-a Service platform providing web conferencing, with live interpretation. KUDO allows participants in a web conference or video conference to follow the meeting in their own language. The platform is powered by professional human interpreters. we facilitate business communication between clients, partners, and employees in the language of their choice more info at www.kudoway.com

2020 is InterpretAmerica's 10th anniversary year. We had been planning a celebratory event. But now, COVID-19 has crashed into everyone's world and up-ended our beloved profession in a matter of weeks. We now know what our focus needs to be.
We are organizing the first in what we hope will be a series of free, online meetings where our field can meet, take stock, and get unified to face the extreme disruption COVID-19 is causing to our profession and to the language access we make possible. With almost all onsite interpreting shut down across the board, from
healthcare, to courts and from schools to international diplomacy, remote interpreting has become our most important pathway to save our jobs and protect those who need our services.
This first meeting will feature a blend of five-minute talks representing key areas of our field and the interactive use of the polling tool Mentimeter to get audience feedback. We hope to spur the creation of a profession-wide task force that will proactively collaborate to get resources, knowledge and expertise where it is needed.
Each of us has critical expertise, whether we are an individual practitioner, language company owner, professional association, remote interpreting platform (OPI, VRI, RSI*), buyer of interpreting services, an end user or a legal expert or advocate. If we want to have a say in how the inevitable transition to remote takes place, we have to act now.
*OPI is telephonic interpreting, VRI is video remote interpreting, including for signed languages, and RSI is remote simultaneous interpreting.
What can we do to help our face-to-face workforce ,whose work has disappeared overnight, get work if they want to as remote interpreters? How can they be visible to those who need to hire them?
How can we help our language service companies access remote platforms (telephonic and video) to dispatch work to their linguists? They have many white labeling options. They don’t have to start from zero.
How can we help hospitals, schools, businesses, institutions and governments get connected to remote interpreting platforms and services so that they can continue to provide multilingual services?
How can we preserve the laws and policies that require language access - some of which may soon be waived? -
And how can we advocate to make sure our freelance linguists and small businesses are included in state and federal relief packages?
We can't do this without you. Please join us on Thursday, March 26 to help us forge a unified response to COVID-19.
Read on for details about the event and to register. There is no cost to attend.

Check out our amazing InterpretAmerica 2020
This agenda is subject to change. We are finalizing our speakers and will update the agenda as they confirm.
InterpretAmerica: Intros and framing the Forum
Barry S. Olsen and Katharine Allen, InterpretAmerica
Healthcare Speaker: The urgency to ensure language access
Idolly Oliva, M Health Fairview and CCHI
Remote Platform Speaker 1: The transition to remote: A live update
Dieter Runge, Boostlingo
MENTIMETER ROUND 1: Scope of the Challenge (15 min)
- Audience poll: What challenges do you face right now?
- Remote Interpreting Company Speaker: How are remote interpreting companies responding?
- Kristin Quinlan, Certified Languages International
- Language Service Company Speaker: What LSPs are facing and need
- Rick Antezana, Association of Language Companies
- Professional Association Speaker: What can associations do to support members and the profession?
- Ted Wozniak, American Translators Association
- Buyer/Procurer Speaker: How can we get buyers/procurers switched to remote?
- Winnie Heh, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
MENTIMETER ROUND 2: Brainstorming Session (10 min)
- Audience poll: What can we do to tackle the challenges?
- LEP/End User Speaker: How can we reach end users so they can still access interpreting services?
- Odilia Romero - Frente Binacional de Organizaciones Bilingües and CIELO
Advocacy/Legal Speaker: Key legal and advocacy issues
Dr. Bill Rivers, JNCL-NCLIS
Mara Youdelman, National Health Law Program
Remote Platform Speaker 2: How we can onboard / transition to remote?
Ewandro Magalhaes, KUDO
MENTIMETER ROUND 3: Where Next? (15 min)
- Audience poll: Can we establish a profession-wide task force? If so, how should it be structured and what should its top priorities be?
NEXT STEPS: (15 min)
- The main takeaways from audience feedback will be presented to see what immediate next steps should be.
- Moderators:
- Marjory A. Bancroft, Cross-Cultural Communications
- Cynthia Roat, Healthcare Trainer and Language Access Consultant
- Data capture:
- Andrew Dafoe, TraduccioNOLA
- Darinka Mangino, Léxica
- Moderators:
WRAP-UP: (5 min)
- InterpretAmerica: Meeting wrap up and final comments
This event has occured.
Click HERE to watch the recording of the event!
Please sign up for our email alerts to stay informed about our continued efforts to support our profession.
We are so grateful for everyone's interest in this event. Rest assured we will continue to create opportunities for connection and support.
InterpretAmerica 2020 will be held using the KUDO platform.
The meeting link will be sent out prior to the meeting day with instructions for how to log in.