think! Interpreting 2018
We are thrilled to once again collaborate with GALA, the Globalization and Localization Association for think! Interpreting at GALA 2018.
GALA 2018 Boston | March 13-16, 2018
Sheraton Boston Hotel
InterpretAmerica is pleased to continue its partnership with the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) to produce the fifth installment of think! Interpreting in Boston, USA. think! Interpreting is a main content track within GALA's Annual Conference. It provides conference participants the opportunity to network with other interpreting providers from around the globe and gain unique insight into the interpreting market.
think! Interpreting sessions are open to all attendees and will explore topics critical to the interpreting sector that focus on this year's conference theme: Delighting Global End-users—A Mutual Goal for Mutual Success.
think! Interpreting provides a unique forum where key players gather to get a big picture of the interpreting market as well as to foster business and networking opportunities with key language enterprise stakeholders from around the world.
GALA is a global voice for the language industry. InterpretAmerica welcomes the opportunity to partner with GALA to further integrate this thriving segment with the rest of the language enterprise. think! Interpreting is the place where the business of interpreting meets and we are delighted to invite you to our growing community.
Many thanks to our think! Interpreting sponsor:
Conference Theme
Delighting Global End-users—A Mutual Goal for Mutual Success
Throughout global business, audience profiles have changed and delivery channels have become increasingly diversified. Consequently, end-user experience has become the guiding principle for many multinational companies. In response, language service providers must also prioritize the end-user; delighting customers must become a mutual goal, since with shared goals comes shared success.
Based on the premise that service providers succeed when their customers succeed, customer success requires an emphasis on meeting the needs of the end-user. In the language services industry, it also requires a fundamental shift in the traditional client-vendor engagement model. It means that collaborative relationships are essential, shared objectives are key, and data is critical. Success of the client and vendor are interdependent and are based on the end-user’s experience.
Building an end-user focused, customer-success operation will be the focus of GALA 2018. Proposals addressing models for cooperation, innovation—not just in technology, but in business models, data practices, sourcing strategies, partnerships, and more—and other elements of a collaborative, customer success approach are welcomed.
Technology and Integrations
Business and Economic Models
Digital Marketing and New Media
Quality and Standards
Executive Leadership
think! Interpreting
Why think! Interpreting?
Unlike other events that we participate in, including our own InterpretAmerica Summits, where our focus is on the individual interpreter, interpreter education and interpreter technology, the primary focus of the GALA Annual Conference is the business side of language services. GALA is the largest global trade association for language services companies and its annual conference targets the companies that employ translators and interpreters around the world.
The think! Interpreting track at the conference introduces critical knowledge about key interpreting trends, needs and practices to the companies that play a huge part in shaping our field. After all, the hiring and work practices that these companies ultimately adopt impact the whole profession. For InterpretAmerica, the chance to showcase best practices and increase networking and awareness between translation and interpreting companies through think! Interpreting has proved highly gratifying and we believe, beneficial.

Many thanks to our think! Interpreting 2018 speakers for sharing their time and expertise.